LE (6-9) Math Sequence Cards
LE (6-9) Math Sequence Cards
Set One: Math Sequence Cards for the Montessori Materials
- gbn golden bead numeration
- gb+ golden bead addition (static and dynamic)
- gb– golden bead subtraction (static and dynamic)
- gbx golden bead multiplication (static and dynamic)
- gb÷ golden bead division (with 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-digit divisors)
- sg+ stamp game addition (static and dynamic)
- sg– stamp game subtraction (static and dynamic)
- sgx stamp game multiplication (dynamic only)
- sg÷1 stamp game one-digit division
- sg÷2 stamp game two-digit division
- sk+ snake game with positive numbers
- sk–a snake game with negative numbers under ten
- sk–b snake game with negative numbers over nine
- sbf+ small bead frame addition (static and dynamic)
- sbf– small bead frame subtraction (static and dynamic)
- sbfx small bead frame multiplication (static and dynamic)
- tb times board
- lbf+ large bead frame addition (dynamic only)
- lbf– large bead frame subtraction (dynamic only)
- lbfx large bead frame multiplication (dynamic only)
- dg+ dot game addition
- dg÷ dot paper division
- cb-a checkerboard with bead bar multiplication
- cb-b checkerboard with mental multiplication
- db division board
- tt÷1 test tube division with one-digit divisors
- tt÷2 test tube division with two-digit divisors
- fgl fractions: greater than or less than
- fe fractions: greater than, less than or equivalent
- fas fractions: addition and subtraction with same denominators
- flt fractions: reducing to lowest terms
- fud fractions: operations with unlike denominators
- fsk fractions: division of fractions with the skittles
- pb peg board: multiples and factors
- bb-bi binomials times a number and binomials times binomials
- bb-tri trinomials times a number and trinomials times trinomials
- bb-sq squares: passage to successive squares and non-successive squares
- algx solving equations with one unknown
- alg(x) solving equations with one unknown and parentheses
- sp-a one-step story problems with regrouping
- sp-b multistep story problems with regrouping
- t+ abstract addition of time
- t– abstract subtraction of time
- tx abstract multiplication of time
Set Two: Math Sequence Cards for Abstraction
- + abstract addition with regrouping in the units place only
- +a abstract addition with regrouping in the units and tens places
- +b abstract addition with regrouping in the units, tens and hundreds places
- – abstract subtraction with regrouping in the tens place only
- –a abstract subtraction with regrouping in the tens and hundreds places
- –m mixed subtraction problems (regrouping in various places, and money)
- –z abstract subtraction with regrouping with zeros
- x abstract multiplication with one-digit multipliers
- xa abstract multiplication with two-digit multipliers
- xb abstract multiplication with three-digit multipliers
- xm abstract multiplication with mixed multipliers
- ÷ abstract division with one-digit divisors and two-digit dividends
- ÷a abstract division with one-digit divisors and mixed dividends
- ÷b abstract division with two-digit divisors and mixed dividends
- ÷c abstract division with three-digit divisors and mixed dividends
- das addition and subtraction of decimals
- dx multiplication of decimals
- d÷ division of decimals
- df converting fractions into decimals
- dm mixed problems involving decimals
- p converting fractions into percentages
- pa converting percentages into fractions
- pb finding the percentage of a whole number
- alg using parentheses
- algx solving equations with one unknown
- alg(x) solving equations with one unknown and parentheses
- sp-a one-step story problems with regrouping
- sp-b multistep story problems with regrouping
- t+ abstract addition of time
- t– abstract subtraction of time
- tx abstract multiplication of time